Monday, March 4, 2013

Spend change and change your homes value

Spending some change can add up to big dollars.

There are several simple, cost effective improvements you can make that will have huge returns when selling your home.  If you are waiting for the transition to a sellers market you may be leaving money on the table. Making your property more attractive will put you ahead of other sellers and make sure you get theselling price you want.  Here is a list of things you can do that do not cost much to increase the value of your home.

Add some curb appeal.

Curb appeal is a term used to describe the general first impression and attractiveness of a property from the street.  First impressions are hard to change, what better place to make an impact then with the first thing a potential buyer sees when they drive up?  Get out the lawn mower, mow, rake and clean up the front yard, and edge the curbs and the driveway.  If you have flowerbeds go and grab a bag of topsoil or peat and put a layer over the beds. While you’re at the nursery pick up bright blooming flowers and plant them with even spacing.

If buyers are not knocking paint the door.

The front door is the focal point of your house, and it is the first thing that buyer touches when they enter your home. If the door is older and is looking a bit dingy consider getting a new one, if you cannot afford a new door don’t get frustrated there are still ways to make that baby shine.  Give your door a little color and make it stand out by painting it with a color that compliments the exterior paint but stands out.  Polish the hardware, take a second and clean the doorknob and any other metal accents that may be on the door with a little metal polish. Grab a can of WD-40 and hit the hinges, so that it doesn’t sound like a haunted house when you buyers walk in If it’s the holidays add a wreath and a red ribbon.

Put your grade school skills to the test.

Remember painting as a kid? Remember how fun it was? Well this is not going to be that fun, but it will make you some money. When you consider the impact that paint makes, rolling for a couple of Saturdays is small price to pay for making your house look new.  If you are an amateur painter there are several books out there on painting and picking colors that can guide you along the way. This is one of the single most impactful actions a homeowner, (or homeowners kids) can take to improve the value of their home.
Don’t just limit yourself to the house, hit the mailbox and the fence while brushes are wet.

Call a professional.

Since you are going to have a realtor looking at the house anyway ask their opinion.  The team at synergy properties will give you an honest estimate, and let you know what actions you can take to really make a difference. Your Synergy PropertiesRealtor can also save you time and money by keeping you from taking on expensive projects that are not necessary to add value to your home. Having sold thousands of properties we can tell you what works and what does not. 

If you are looking to buy or sell a home The professionals at Synergy Properties know the Spokane local Real-Estate market and have become experts at serving the Spokane community. Give us your your criteria and we will find a home for you. For more information contact us at (509) 624-4400 or visit us on the web 

Want to do a little searching on your own first? Let us help, use our custom search bar for information about Real Estate in the local Spokane Area, simply type in any criteria you desire and get immediate relevant results.

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